Tuesday, September 3, 2013


                               To Sleep

                               A blinking jet plane
                               distant with fuel
                               and hunger
                               takes off low
                               to the bitter ground

                               A nearby fluster
                               of  small wet sparrows 
                               feather-beats its way
                               through a covey of long  
                               whispers drawn thin with a  
                               sudden escape from
                               fake dangers in the yews

                               A scrawny dark river unfurls
                               her swollen arms, flows
                               her whole night's blood long
                               and sparkling, curls
                               beneath the humming
                               breast and heaven’s newest

                               Crickets and stars harp
                               well into the darkness,
                               harp deeply through the silence,
                               harp on and on about the gravel
                               distance of roads long ago while
                               soft underbellies of young
                               white clouds draw silently near
                               looking for new milk
                               Now the lilacs of summer
                               droop with ripe aromas;
                               iridescent hummingbirds,
                               green and dark, plump themselves
                               full of small-blossomed secrets
                               too noiseless and small for us to know 

                               Clean summer sheets
                               that once gathered us close
                               in their soft linen flames
                               now cover us with sleep, sleep
                               in our own silences, our own bitter skies,
                               our own familiar ceilings full of blank
                               bright stars who never look back
                               at their own burning