Man of Good
Every day is made of
sharp post-war bricks,
stiff architecture, sparkling
jewels because tomorrow
again we defend our honor,
our freedom, our privacy
and bank accounts
held high in the shadow
held high in the shadow
of a snapping brisk flag.
Some days we lose.
Some quickly die. Some
become stranded in the
dense thorns of immorality
who carry their own hidden
wounds and agendas.
wounds and agendas.
Eventually all of us
saunter off to war
of one kind or another,
which is inner human intent.
All of us wake frightened
under what we must do, what we
have already achieved, what we
liken to yellow dreams. We taste
the tin wash of civility’s brew, the slight
hesitation of young birds who launch
themselves en masse from a field, the
smelly paunch of low tide that
keeps things moving
slow as they already are.
The moon’s black lace will rise
over every kind of stream, over
every vanquished battle, over
the aging body’s conscience
the silent widow
always tugging
brightly at our eyes, our skin,
the whole world’s oceans
always tugging
brightly at our eyes, our skin,
the whole world’s oceans
that rinse another day
then rise on peaceful sighs
to the level of resistance.
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